

Volunteer for Butterfly Conservation


Learn field survey techniques


Take part in butterfly and moth surveys

Volunteers are vital if we are to save butterflies, moths and their environments in Warwickshire

Almost all our conservation and recording efforts rely upon the goodwill of land owners and time given freely by our dedicated team of volunteers and the support of our loyal members.

Butterfly Recorders

Casual records of butterfly sightings in your garden or while out in the countryside can be submitted online using our simple recording form. Most of our butterfly distribution data is gathered this way.

Site Based Transect Recorders

This requires a long-term commitment with the aim of gathering detailed records of butterfly numbers and species along a given route over many years. These Transects help us to assess the effects of habitat change and loss at a site and help inform habitat management practices to ensure the survival of important species in our area.

Habitat Management / Organised Work Parties

Our volunteer work parties help with the management of butterfly and moth habitats in the region. Tasks include scrub clearance, planting of wildflowers, erecting fencing, gates and repairing footpaths

Much of this work takes place on important protected wildlife sites like our own butterfly Reserve at Ryton Wood Meadows near Coventry. We also work in partnership with other environmental organisations, land owners and government agencies to improve and protect habitats for butterflies and moths.

If you would like to volunteer for the Warwickshire Branch of Butterfly Conservation, please contact Mike Slater.