Practical Conservation Work Parties

Attending a volunteer work party?
If you are planning on attending one of our volunteer work party sessions, please contact the event leader
so they are aware of your intention to attend and are able to keep you informed of any changes.

Conservation Management Days 2024

Our branch regularly holds practical work parties at over 30 sites that support our important butterfly and moth species.
We have a variety of volunteer tasks suitable for all ages and abilities from seeding and weeding to stacking logs.
Our work parties are usually held on Tuesdays and Fridays with our Sunday sessions usually taking place in the Ryton (South-east Coventry) area.
You can attend as frequently as you wish and stay as long as you like - every little helps and everyone is welcome.
We start at 9:30am and finish at 4:00pm. You will need to bring suitable old clothing, hot drinks and food.
Please contact Mike Slater for more details or call Mike on 01788 335881